We live in a dangerous world. It is a world full of physical and spiritual dangers. It celebrates sexual immorality and devalues marriage. It contains racism, atheism, and the devaluing of the life of the unborn. Many don’t believe in absolute truth and have no respect for the laws that govern society and those who are in positions to enforce them.  In many ways, our current society resembles what is described in Judges 21:25.

How are we to spiritually cultivate and secure our families in such dark and dangerous times? Consider four critical things that we must do.

Stay connected to God.

  • We must stay connected to God through His word (Deuteronomy 6:6-7; Ephesians 6:4). It was important to Cornelius that his entire family connect with God through the gospel. The Bible is the only source of direct communication we have from God (2 Timothy 3:16).
  • We must stay connected to God through prayer. Jesus prayed with and for those closest to Him (Luke 11:1-4; John 17:13-17). Job began each day attending to the spiritual needs of his family (Job 1:1-5).
  • If we genuinely care about our family’s spiritual growth and security, then we need to be pleading with God to give them wisdom, protection, and providential guidance.

Stay connected to one another.

  • We need to stay close to our spouse (Genesis 2:24). We must make time for uninterrupted conversations, prayer, romance, and Bible study.
  • We must give our children attention (Proverbs 29:15; Deuteronomy 6:7). We need to talk with, listen, learn, and help them accurately apply God’s word in their lives.
  • The devil will have difficulty infiltrating our family when we remain close to one another.

Stay connected to your blessings.

  • After allowing Israel to cross over the Jordan miraculously, God commanded His people to construct a monument of stones. This memorial would remind them and future generations of God’s love, protection, and leadership. Whenever they started facing challenges, these memorial stones would remind them of God’s blessing during a difficult moment.
  • Do you have a memorial stone? Do you have something that reminds you of an occasion when God brought you safely through a dark time?
  • Memorial stones can keep us humble, focused, and always aware of God’s presence!

Stay connected to God’s people.

  • The early Christians were connected as a spiritual family (Acts 2:43-46). They spend time together both inside and outside of the worship assembly.
  • One of the greatest spiritual resources God has provided is the body of Christ. This church has shepherds, seasoned disciples, young Christian families, and other teen disciples.
  • God’s people can be a positive influence and a great source of encouragement to our family.


Are you part of God’s family (Galatians 3:26-29)?