David has a desire to build the temple of God. However, after initially receiving the go-ahead from the prophet Nathan to do it, he later learned from God that was not His will. God did not want David to build the temple. That work would later be accomplished by his son Solomon (1 Chronicles 17:1-5; 22:6-10). Can you imagine how disappointed David must have been initially?

The Bible is loaded with examples of disappointment. Moses missed out on the Promised Land. Caleb and Joshua had to wander in the wilderness for forty years. Leah never could get Jacob to love her as much as Rachel. Joseph was cast into prison for a crime that he did not commit. Judas betrayed the Lord with a kiss.

Have you ever faced disappointments? Consider three things you can do to “rise above” them.

Refuse to be overcome with self-pity.

  • Instead of feeling sorry for himself and wallowing in self-pity, David used his power and resources to help Solomon be successful in building the temple (1 Chronicles 22:1-5).
  • Even though God rejected him to become an apostle, it is unlikely Barsabbas pouted and got lazy in his service to God (Acts 1:21-26).
  • Despite being locked up in a Roman jail cell, Paul kept spreading the word of God and inspiring others to do the same (Philippians 1:12-14).
  • When we face moments of disappointment and rejection, we need to challenge ourselves to stay focused on Jesus and His work. God still has people for us to teach, encourage, and help go to heaven!

Recognize the good in your disappointments.

  • Paul had a “thorn in the flesh” that was a source of suffering. He wasn’t bitter because he prayed, and God refused to remove the thorn. Instead, Paul recognized how God was using it to help him spiritually (2 Corinthians 12:7-10). Due to all of the amazing visions he experienced, it would have been easy for Paul to become arrogant. The thorn was something God used to keep him humble.
  • Can you also see the good that God can accomplish through your “thorns?” Can you see how through being denied a promotion, God may be helping you keep your priorities straight? Can you see how by not making your sports team, God may be helping avoid becoming arrogant? Can you see how through sickness, God may be equipping you to help others in the future who face the same thing?

Resist the urge to give them.

  • No matter what obstacles, setbacks, and disappointments he faced in his life, Paul was determined to never quit on Jesus (Philippians 3:12-14). He pressed on and stayed focused on achieving the prize of heaven.
  • The same can be said about numerous servants in the Bible. Peter, Moses, David, Caleb, Joseph, and Jesus never let disappointments cripple them in their service to the Father.
  • We also need to persevere! We need to keep going for the Lord amid the disappointments we face in our marriages, spiritual struggles, and relationships with brethren.


While life is full of disappointments, the Lord is always faithful to keep His promises (Hebrews 10:23).