Read 1 Kings 12:1-20. King Rehoboam has reached a point in his life where he has to make a critical decision. He has to make a decision that will not only affect his life but it would also affect the lives of the entire nation of Israel. What will he do?


  • After ascending to the throne of Israel, Rehoboam (the son of Solomon) was given a proposition by the people of Israel (1 Kings 12:1-4). They asked him to lighten their load. They offered to serve him faithfully if he did.
  • Rehoboam decides to take three days to think over their request (1 Kings 12:5)
  • Rehoboam also seeks the advice of others (1 Kings 12:6-11). He consults with a group of older men who served under his father. He also seeks help from his peers.
  • Unfortunately, he accepts the wrong counsel (1 Kings 12:12-14).
  • The result of his decision was he lost most of his kingdom (1 Kings 12:15-20).

The Lessons 

  • Our decisions have far-reaching consequences. Rehoboam’s decision would impact the nation for a very long time. Our choices can have the same kind of impact. We need to be mindful of this whenever we are tempted to pick ungodly friends, drink alcohol, use drugs, or engage in sexual immorality.
  • Always seek out good counsel. Solomon says that this is a wise thing to do (Proverbs 12:15). Rehoboam did seek counsel from two groups. Sadly, he listened to the wrong one. There are three groups of people that can offer you wise counsel. The first is your parents. The second is your spiritual family. The third is God’s word (Psalm 119:100, 105).
  • How do you want to be remembered. Rehoboam is mostly remembered today for this unfortunate decision. The same can also be said of people like Judas, Ananias, Sapphira, and David. Our poor choices have the potential to define and follow us for a very long time!


The most significant decision we could ever make in our lives is to follow the Lord (Joshua 24:15). Have you chosen this path?