Christ in the Old Testament

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We began a 9 lesson series on the prophecies of Jesus in the Old Testament beginning in September 2014. The goal of this series of Bible lessons is to show that Jesus Christ, the Messiah, can be seen throughout the scriptures. His arrival in the first-century was not a coincidence, an accident, or something that God improvised because of the failures of the Israelites. Rather, it was predicted many ages before the birth of Jesus – the plan of salvation is the completion of the Old Law, and it is the fulfillment of numerous promises given in the Bible. What we want to see very clearly is that our Savior is the main character in the Bible. He is at the center of its story, the protagonist, the beginning, middle, and end to every bit of law, history, and poetry found in God’s Holy book. As our Lord Himself states, “I am the Alpha and the Omega… who is and who was and who is to come, the Almighty” (Revelation 1:8).