In Matthew 14:22-32, we find one of the strangest walks in all the Bible. We read about Peter walking on water with Jesus.

Peter’s walk on water involved some huge risks. Since he and the other apostles were in the middle of the Sea of Galilee during a terrible storm, Peter could have died.

Peter’s experience teaches us many lessons about what it takes to have a successful walk with the Lord.

We have to get out of our boats.

  • Peter (unlike the other apostles) had enough faith to at least get out of the boat (Matthew 14:22-29). He had enough confidence to at least take a few steps with the Lord.
  • What is your boat? Is it keeping quiet instead of inviting? Is it staying reserved instead of trying to teach someone the gospel? Is it being a hermit instead of engaging in hospitality?
  • We all have comfort zones. Will you be willing to step out of yours for the Lord in 2020?

We have to expect problems.

  • One of the issues Peter encountered was a terrible storm (Matthew 14:30a).
  • So often, we are reluctant to step out of our boats because we are afraid of problems. We are scared to fail.
  • The Lord cannot use the fearful (Matthew 25:25; 2 Timothy 1:7).

We have to stay focused.

  • Peter didn’t start to sink until he took his focus off Jesus (Matthew 14:30-31).
  • As long as we remain focused on Jesus, we will be successful (2 Corinthians 5:7; Hebrews 12:1-2).
  • Jesus wasn’t disappointed with Peter because he stepped outside of the boat. Jesus as disappointed because once Peter started walking by faith, he took his eyes off of Him and started focusing on the storm.

We have to desire to connect with the Lord.

  • Even though Peter wavered in his faith and began to sink, the Lord was there to help and pick him up (Matthew 14:31).
  • He will do the same for us today.


If we stay out of the boat and walk with Jesus, He will use us to do some amazing things for Him in the coming year!