Key Scripture Readings: John 2:1-11

Fast Facts

  • Jesus, His disciples, and mother, were invited to a wedding in Cana of Galilee. These events lasted up to seven days.
  • Weddings were intended to be joyous occasions, but at this one, something went wrong. The wine ran out! This would have been a humiliating experience for the hosts.
  • Mary informed Jesus of this dilemma. She wanted Jesus to use His miraculous power to make the situation better. Jesus seemed to have given her a mild rebuke for this request in verse 4.
  • While Jesus’ time to manifest His power had not yet come, Jesus performed a miracle on this occasion. He instantly turned the water into wine!
  • This would be Jesus’ first public miracle. After this demonstration of power, the people of Galilee knew that Jesus wasn’t an ordinary man.

Study Questions

  1. Why did Mary tell Jesus about the problem with wine at the wedding in Cana?
  2. How did Jesus respond to Mary’s request? What does this show about their two-fold relationship?
  3. How did the wedding guests respond to Jesus’ miracle?
  4. What are some lessons we learn about Jesus from this miracle?
  5. What does Solomon say about fermented wine in Proverbs 20:1; 23:29-39? Why is this important to consider when studying this miracle of Jesus?