After traveling to Israel and seeking out the prophet Elisha, Naaman the Syrian received instructions on how to be miraculously healed of his leprosy (2 Kings 5:5-14).

How did Naaman find out about a prophet in Israel that could help him? It was through the testimony of a little girl in his home.

The Servant Girl

  • We don’t know this girl’s name, age, or tribe from which she came. What we know is she was taken captive by the Syrians when they raided Israel (2 Kings 5:2). Like Daniel in the time of the Babylonians (Daniel 1), this girl was also taken from her family to a foreign country.
  • She was made a servant in the house of Naaman. Naaman was a commander in the Syrian army.
  • Naaman was a leper. Leprosy was a flesh-eating disease that was incurable.
  • This servant girl told Naaman about Elisha. She knew about the many miracles that Elisha had performed in Israel by the power of God. She believed that God was working through Elisha and she told Naaman about him (2 Kings 5:3). She was confident that when Naaman came into contact with Elisha, he would be healed!
  • Without her testimony, Naaman would have continued living a miserable life. He would have never been healed and learn about the one true God.

The Lessons 

  • We need to be aware of the “Naamans” in our lives. These are the people who are suffering from a far worse disease than leprosy. They are suffering from the spiritual disease of sin. They are sick with a disease that leads to spiritual death and eternal separation from God (Isaiah 59:1-2; Romans 3:9, 23; 6:23).
  • We need to have faith and love to help the “Naamans.” We have these people by teaching the gospel (Romans 1:14-16).
  • When we take part in helping bring souls to God, we help people in the most important. We help sinners avoid eternal death and receive eternal life (James 5:19-20).


Sin is serious business to God. Thankfully, the blood of Jesus is the remedy for sin. Have you had your sins washed away by it?