Jezebel is one of the most infamous people in the Bible. She was married to Ahab. Ahab was the king of Israel. She is also the daughter of Ethbaal (king of Sidon). Her name seems to mean “a woman without a husband or prince, living a pure life.” That is ironic because none of that fits what the Bible says about her.

Jezebel was so evil that Jesus used her name to describe a wicked woman in the church at Thyatira (Revelation 2:20-23). She was the antithesis of what a good woman should be. You can take nearly every action, quality, and trait found in her and do the opposite and find a recipe for a good woman.

A good woman can help change a bad man (1 Kings 16:30-31; 21:25-29).

  • King Ahab was a bad man! He was an idolater who had no problem committing wicked acts of violence to gain what he wanted. He was more wicked than all of the kings before him.
  • As wicked as he was, he also had the potential to be a righteous man. He did have some reverence for God (1 Kings 21:27-29). One of the biggest obstacles that hindered him from reaching that potential was his wife.
  • Jezebel often brought out the worst in her husband. She incited him to sin and take what he wanted by any means necessary.
  • Just as the influence of a bad woman is a powerful thing, so is the influence of a good woman (1 Peter 3:1-4). A godly woman can elevate a man and aid him in becoming righteous.

A good woman can influence her family’s religion (1 Kings 16:30-33).

  • Jezebel was a bad woman who negatively influenced her family’s religion. She was an idolater who also encouraged her husband to be an idolater. It seems that Ahab doesn’t begin worshipping Baal until after he married the daughter of the king of Sidon.
  • King Solomon was also influenced by idolatrous women (1 Kings 11:4).
  • Jezebel also negatively influenced her son’s religion (1 Kings 22:51-53).
  • Just as bad women can influence their family’s religion, so can good women (Acts 18:24-28; 2 Timothy 1:5). Many men would not be Christians today had it not been for the godly example of righteous women!

A good woman supports her family when they are right and corrects them when they are wrong.

  • Jezebel supported her husband in committing sinful acts against God and others.
  • She murdered many of God’s prophets (1 Kings 18:4).
  • She attempted to kill the prophet Elijah (1 Kings 19:1-2).
  • She concocted a plan to have Naboth killed and steal his property (1 Kings 21:7-10).
  • Unlike Jezebel, a good woman promotes the standard of righteousness. Instead of supporting her family when they veer off God’s path, she has the courage to correct them in love.


Eventually, Jezebel reaped what she sowed (2 Kings 9:33-37). Her example teaches us that life is much better when we serve the one true God.