God expects parents to teach their children the value of respect. This topic is addressed by the New Testament writers often. The Bible provides a list of people that requires our respect, and it even tells us what doing that involves.

Respect for Parents

  • Respect must first be taught and learned in the home (Ephesians 6:1-3).
  • An equivalent word is “honor.”
  • Children show respect for their parents by obeying and submitting to their instruction.
  • Those who demonstrate proper respect for their parents are likely to live long and fruitful lives.

Respect for Government 

  • Government is ordained by God (Romans 13:1-4; Titus 3:1-2; 1 Peter 2:13-15). God expects us to submit to it (as long as its laws don’t cause us to compromise our obedience to Christ).
  • Respect for the government involves paying taxes (Matthew 22:21). It is also doing things like driving within the speed limit and submitting to teachers and principals’ instructions.
  • It also involves praying for those in positions of government (1 Timothy 2:1-3). This is something we must do, not just when our political party is in power!

Respect for All 

  • The Bible gives explicit instruction for this in 1 Peter 2:17.
  • We must respect the shepherds (1 Thessalonians 5:12-13).
  • We must respect brothers and sisters in Christ (1 Timothy 5:1-3).
  • We must respect our peers, classmates, and teammates.

Respect for God 

  • God deserves honor and respect because He is the Creator and King (1 Peter 2:17; 1 Timothy 1:17).
  • We show respect for God by obeying Him (John 14:15).
  • We honor Him when we honor the people He has commanded us to honor.


Are you honoring God by walking in faith and submission?