• In Luke 16:1, what does Jesus tell us about the two main characters in the parable? What was a manager?
  • Why was the manager dismissed from his job (Luke 16:1-2)? How severe was his sin?
  • What did the manager do after his firing (Luke 16:3-7)? Were his actions ethical? Why was he commended by the master (Luke 16:8)?
  • Did the Lord commend the actions of the manager? Why or why not? What does He call him in verse 8?
  • What is “unrighteous wealth” (Luke 16:9, 11)? What are the true riches (Luke 16:11)?
  • What is the meaning of Luke 16:9? Who are the “friends?”
  • What is Jesus urging us to be in Luke 16:10?
  • What practical lessons can we learn from this parable?
  • How did the Pharisees respond to this parable (Luke 16:14)? Why?