Hebrews 11:1-40 provides a list of what is commonly called “The Hall of Faith,” or the “Honor Roll of Faith.” These people found favor with God because they lived by faith.

It can be easy to read through the names found in this chapter and become intimidated. It can be tempting to view these people as biblical “super-heroes” who were flawless. This is far from the truth!

These people were no different than us. They were ordinary people who made many mistakes throughout their lives.

They were sinners.

  • Paul’s words in Romans 3:23 also applies to those included in “The Hall of Faith.”
  • Abraham lied (Genesis 12:13; 20:2).
  • Noah was involved in drunkenness (Genesis 9:21).
  • Moses murdered an Egyptian (Exodus 2:12).
  • Rahab was a harlot (Hebrews 11:31).
  • David committed adultery and murder (2 Samuel 11).

They wavered in their faith. 

  • Abraham wavered in his belief that God would give him and Sarah a son in their old age (Genesis 15:2-6; 17:17).
  • Sarah laughed at the same promise (Genesis 18:12-14).
  • Moses came up with all sorts of excuses for why he felt he wasn’t the right man to deliver the people of Israel from Egyptian bondage (Exodus 3:10-13).
  • How are we going to respond when our faith begins to waver? Will we give up? Or, will we choose to overcome and press on?

They were blessed with God’s patience. 

  • Abraham had many failures (Genesis 12:1, 9-12; 16:1-16; 20:1-18). And yet, God never gave up on him. God helped him and gave him time to grow into the great man of faith he became.
  • The same can also be said about Moses, David, Samson, Sarah, and the Apostle Peter.
  • The Lord never gives up on His people!

They grew. 

  • We see growth in Abraham after Isaac was born (Genesis 22:1-14; Hebrews 11:17-19).
  • We see growth in Moses, Gideon, Samson, and David when we study their stories.
  • We see growth in the Apostle Peter (Acts 2:36; 1 Peter 5:1).
  • What about us? Can we look back on our spiritual journey and honestly say that we have been growing in our faith and trust in God?


These people listed in Hebrews 11 were regular people who walked by faith. Are you doing the same?