(Psalm 23:1-6)

Psalm 23 has to be by far the most known and beloved psalm today. It is a chapter that many have memorized from the time they were young. When exactly did David pen this psalm?

  • Maybe as he was fleeing Jerusalem because his son Absalom was trying to usurp the throne of Israel (2 Samuel 15)?
  • Maybe during one of the occasions when Saul was trying to kill him (1 Samuel 19-27)?
  • Maybe while he was grieving the loss of the child born to him after committing adultery with Bathsheba (2 Samuel 12:14)?

There are several things that stand out from this psalm. There is David’s clear familiarity with being a shepherd (Psalm 23:1-3). There is David’s confidence and trust in God (Psalm 23:3-5a). There is also David’s gratitude for all of God’s blessings in his life. In fact, this gratitude is summed up in the words, “My cup overflows” (Psalm 23:5b). Even though David may have been going through a rough moment in life, he knew he was still immensely blessed by God. If his life were a cup and his blessings were water, then the water would be overflowing the cup! Why should we feel the same way as David?

Because of our prosperity (2 Timothy 6:17-19)

  • Everyone here is living far better than most people in the world!
    • Most people in the world struggle just to get the daily necessities of life.
    • Not only do we have our necessities taken care of, but we also have a lot of luxuries (televisions, cell phones, cable, microwaves, washing machines, etc).
  • How should we respond to this blessing?
    • We should be thankful for these blessings! (See Philippians 4:6; Colossians 4:2; 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18).
    • We should be good stewards of our blessings and use them to seek first the kingdom of God (Matthew 6:33).

Because of our family (Proverbs 18:22; Psalm 127:3-5)

  • Many of us are blessed to have a spouse, children, and grandchildren.
  • If we are Christians, we are blessed to have God as our Father and one another as brothers and sisters in Christ (Galatians 3:26-28; 1 John 3:1).
  • Those who do the Lord’s will make up the family of God (Mark 3:31-35).

Because of our Shepherd (Psalm 23:6)

  • David knew that the Lord was his Shepherd.
    • The Lord did for him everything a shepherd is supposed to do.
    • The Lord was his ultimate leader, guide, and protector in life.
  • Are we just as thankful for the same blessing? See John 10:11-18.

Conclusion: Let’s always be thankful for our blessings! Doing this will keep us humble with a clear perspective about life.