Key Scripture Readings: Matthew 17:24-27; Luke 5:1-11; John 21:1-11

Fast Facts

  • In the gospel, there are three instances in which Jesus performed miracles with fish. All seem to have occurred on the Sea of Galilee.
  • The first occurred in the calling of Peter to be a disciple (Luke 5:1-11). Peter was a fisherman by trade. After spending the entire night at sea, Peter caught nothing. The next day, Jesus miraculously placed in his net a “great quantity of fish.” The catch was so great that it began to break the nets! Peter was humbled by the power of Jesus (Luke 5:8-9).
  • The second miracle occurred in Capernaum (Matthew 17:24-27). Even though Jesus was exempt (because everything belongs to Him), to not offend the Roman government, Jesus paid the temple tax. He miraculously placed the money inside a fish! It was enough to pay the tax for both Himself and Peter.
  • The third miracle occurred after His resurrection (John 21:1-11). After an entire night of fishing, the apostles caught nothing. The next morning, the resurrected Jesus stood on the beach (the disciples did not recognize Him at this point) and told them to cast the net on the right side of their boat. The apostles obeyed and pulled in a large amount of fish. The number was so great that they could not pull it all in! They then recognized it was Jesus who gave them the instructions and rushed to the shore to eat breakfast with Him.

Study Questions

  1. Describe the circumstances before the miracle Jesus performed in Luke 5:1-11. How did Peter respond to this miracle?
  2. Why did Jesus say He was exempt from paying the temple tax in Matthew 17:24-27? Besides supernaturally placing the money inside of a fish, what other supernatural thing did the Lord do on this occasion?
  3. In John 21:1-11, who many fish did the apostles catch the night they went fishing? How many fish did they catch the next morning? What was the difference?
  4. What does Jesus’ power over fish demonstrate about Him?