Do you know who God is? Don’t be so quick to answer “yes” to this question. This is a tough question to answer. It is difficult not because we have no answer to it but because the answer is vast. This is a very profound question to answer.

Thankfully, the book of Psalms tells us every critical thing we need to know about God. Psalms may reveal more about God than any other book in the Bible. In Psalms, we learn who God is and what He has done for us.

Who is God?

  • He is the Creator (Psalm 8:3; 19:1-2; 148:1-5). The creation displays the glory and design of God.
  • He is all-powerful (Psalm 8:3-4; 147:5). There is nothing that He cannot accomplish!
  • He is ever-present (Psalm 139:7-12). God can be everywhere all the time.
  • He is everlasting (Psalm 90:2). God has no beginning and no end (Revelation 1:8).
  • He is all-knowing (Psalm 147:5). Unlike us, God doesn’t have to read or study.
  • He is sovereign (Psalm 135:6). The Lord rules over all things.
  • He is perfectly holy (Psalm 99:9; 11:4).
  • He is righteous (Psalm 145:17). Everything that God does is right.
  • He is merciful (Psalm 136:1-9). God is full of love and compassion.
  • He is faithful (Psalm 40:10). God never fails to keep His promises.

How should we respond?

  • We need to stand in awe (Psalm 33:6-9). We need always to be impressed by the creative and almighty power of God!
  • We need to fear (Proverbs 1:7). We need to revere God and be afraid of what He can do to us if we violate His will. Sadly, few people seem to fear the Lord.
  • We need to be holy (1 Peter 1:14-16). We need to abhor sin and do whatever is necessary to get it out of our lives (Matthew 5:29-30).


Do you need to respond to God?