• Author 
    • The book of Hebrews does not tell us who the author is. Some have suggested Paul, Apollos, or Luke. We know from Hebrews 13:22 that the author knew Timothy. Why would (or wouldn’t) it matter to know who wrote this book?
    • Since we do not know the author, why do you believe Hebrews should belong in our Bible? 
  • Audience 
      • What does Hebrews 10:32-39 tell us about the audience of this letter?
      • What does the author want to accomplish with this letter?
  • Outline & Message 
    • Skim through Hebrews. What are some main themes you noticed?
  • Christians receiving the Hebrew letter likely lived among Jews who still practiced Judaism. This brought them social pressure to conform to Jewish religious and social customs. Christians at Monte Vista don’t likely face this pressure to convert to Judaism. List some ways you feel social pressure to conform to something other than true service to Christ.
  • What alternatives does the world offer to Jesus today? Are these alternatives “better” than Jesus?