The establishment of the church was a significant moment in human history (Acts 2:37-47). It marked the official beginning of Christianity and people being added to the universal body of Christ.

The first followers of Jesus also formed a local body of believers in Jerusalem. This church was extremely large (3,000 members). It eventually grew to 5,000 adult males (Acts 4:4). When the women are also accounted for, this church would have been larger than 15,000 members!

This church grew numerically and spiritually. It was a church that provided a great blueprint for growth today. Consider how the early saints put their hand to the plow, and God’s field in Jerusalem grew.

By devotion to teaching

  • Jesus commanded disciples to convert and mature people by teaching the word of God (Matthew 28:18-20). The early church was devoted to the work of teaching (Acts 2:42; 11:19-26).
  • We also must be devoted to teaching and learning God’s word. Each time we come together, we need to expect to study, learn, dig, grow and understand.
  • We must take advantage of the opportunities we are given to learn God’s word. These opportunities are provided in Bible classes, gospel meetings, and VBS.
  • Churches that grow and mature are passionate about the Bible!

By devotion to being together

  • God does not intend Christianity to be something done alone. The Lord wants brethren to be close and build trust with one another.
  • The church in Jerusalem was committed to being together in the worship assembly (Acts 2:42, 46a). There was a time when they gathered at Solomon’s porch (Acts 5:12). Even with all the technology we have, there is no substitute for God’s plan (Hebrews 10:23-25).
  • They were also committed to being together outside the worship assembly (Acts 2:46b). Doing this helps build relationships and provides an avenue to do so many essential things for one another (Galatians 6:1-2; 1 Thessalonians 5:14).

By devotion to kingdom work

  • The brethren in Jerusalem were heavily involved in the works of sharing and evangelism (Acts 2:43-47). They were an active and working church!
  • We also must be a church with disciples committed to inviting and sharing their faith with others. Churches that are not serious about winning the lost, eventually dwindle and die!
  • We must also be committed to sharing. We must share not just our resources when others have needs but also our homes, time, experience, wisdom, and spiritual talents (1 Peter 4:10-11).

By devotion to prayer

  • This was a praying church (Acts 2:42; 4:24; 6:4, 6; 12:5). Their constant prayers demonstrated dependence and trust in God.
  • We should be just as devoted to prayer today. We should be praying about the same things as the early saints. We should pray for courage, evangelistic success, our leaders, growth, and unity.


Are you part of the same church as those we can read about in Acts?