We live in a society where there aren’t many godly families. They are disappearing due to the high rise of immorality, divorce, dead beat dads, child abuse, and a general lack of reverence for God in our culture. 1 Timothy 3:15 says that the church is the pillar and support of the truth. Part of upholding the truth means we have been given a mission from God to strengthen and support godly families and encourage them in every way we can. We have to equip those families who are already structured in the way God desires, while at the same time being sensitive and nurturing to those families that are not ideal (those broken and hurting).

We want to explore some practical things that godly families can do together to serve God in the local church.

Example of godly families in the Bible

  • Shallum and his daughters helped Nehemiah rebuild the walls of Jerusalem (Nehemiah 3:12).
  • Those families gathered outside the Water Gate stayed from early in the morning until midday to hear reading and teaching from the word of God (Nehemiah 8:1-3).
  • Christian families from Tyre prayed with Paul before he set off on a dangerous trip to Jerusalem (Acts 21:1-6).
  • Philip and his four daughters showed hospitality to Paul and Luke (Acts 21:8-10).

How can godly families serve God? 

  • They can worship God together (Hebrews 10:23-25). Godly families encourage so many with their presence in the worship assembly.
  • They can grow in the word of God together. Cornelius studied the word of God with those who were part of his family (Acts 10:24).
  • They can pray for others (1 Timothy  2:1-2; James 5:16; Ephesians 6:18). Parents should be teaching their children how to pray daily (Luke 11:1-4).
  • They can serve others in the local church (Titus 2:14; 3:1, 8, 14). They can greet visitors, write cards to shut-ins, and provide companionship to widows.
  • They can help qualify men for godly leadership and service (1 Timothy 3:2, 4-5, 11-12; Titus 1:6). A major element of the requirements for a godly elder or deacon involves his family. Wives and children, you can support the head of your family by encouraging him and living in a righteous way that will help qualify him for this good work.  Your life may well determine whether or not the church has your husband or father as one who will serve in the office of elder or deacon.


Are you part of the most important family – God’s family?