Many churches give a lot of attention to the spiritual training of the youth. There are VBS’s, youth weekends, youth devotionals, and many other kinds of studies offered to them. These venues provide wonderful opportunities for the youth to be built up and encouraged in the service of God.

What about the senior saints? What about disciples that are grandparents, retired from secular work, and have been serving the Lord for decades? Do they also need some attention and motivation to continue bearing fruit for the Lord?

We live in a culture trying to condition us to believe that the elderly are useless, in the way, and a burden. Sadly, this message of culture is leading to many senior saints becoming stagnant and lazy in their service to God.

In this lesson, we want to encourage and demonstrate how senior saints are valuable and can continue being fruitful in the kingdom of God.

God used older people in the past.

  • He called Moses to be a deliverer at 80 (Exodus 7:7). This was considered old age even at this time (Psalm 90:10).
  • Joshua survived the forty years of Israel’s wandering in the wilderness. He was likely around 80 when God called him to lead Israel to conquer Canaan.
  • Abraham was 75 when God called him to travel to Canaan (Genesis 12:4). He was 100 when Isaac was born. He was between 115 and 120 when God tested his faith and commanded him to offer Isaac as a burnt offering.
  • Daniel lived during the entire period of Babylonian captivity. He was around 90 when he was thrown into a den of lions because he refused to stop praying to the Lord (Daniel 6:10).

God uses older people today.

  • Senior saints must never be content (Philippians 3:12-17). They must never be satisfied with their growth, work, and acts of service to the Lord. Paul was always determined to grow and do more for King Jesus.
  • Senior saints must never retire (Philippians 3:14). While there is nothing wrong with retiring from secular work, senior saints must never sit back and no longer be involved in the work of the local church. At 85, Caleb wanted to go out and fight giants for the Lord (Joshua 14:6-12).

How can senior saints bear fruit?

  • Senior saints can teach the younger generation (Titus 2:3-5). Older women are commanded to teach and influence the younger sisters.
  • Senior saints can encourage others (1 Timothy 4:12). They can build up and mentor the youth in the church.
  • Senior saints can provide a positive example (1 Corinthians 11:1; Philippians 3:17). They can model godly marriages, kindness, integrity, and a willingness to always grow for the Lord.
  • Senior saints can share their wisdom (Job 12:12). With old age usually comes the blessing of wisdom. Wisdom is the ability to successfully navigate life despite its difficulties and challenges.

Admonitions to the young

  • Be respectful to the senior saints.
  • Spend time with senior saints.
  • Appreciate the senior saints.


May God bless all those seeking to bear fruit in their old age (Psalm 92:12-15).