(Numbers 13:25-14:4)

Before going to conquer Canaan, Moses first sent out 12 spies to see what the land was like. These spies were gone for 40 days. Upon their return, they did not all agree on their report.

While 10 of the spies agreed that the land was fruitful and prosperous, they did not believe that the nation could conquer the strong Canaanites who dwelt there. Caleb (and Joshua) on the other hand, believed in the promise of God. Caleb believed that God would not have brought them that far if He wasn’t going to take them the rest of the way! He is commended by God for possessing this different kind of spirit (Numbers 14:24). Why did Caleb possess such a different spirit?

Because of his great faith

  • This is why Caleb had such a different perspective than the other spies.
    • Unlike ten of the spies, Caleb believed that Israel could conquer Canaan because he trusted God (Numbers 14:3-10).
    • Caleb was always committed to obeying the voice of the Lord regardless of what other people did.
  • We must possess the same attitude before going out to battle our “giants.”
    • Like Caleb, we too must understand that God is powerful and He can help conquer every “giant” that is before us (Philippians 4:13).
    • We must realize that with God by our side, no obstacle we face is too big to overcome!

Because of his great courage

  • It is clear that Caleb was in the minority in what he believed.
    • Even though he was outnumbered in what he believed, Caleb still spoke what was in his heart (Joshua 14:7).
    • Caleb was willing to do what he felt was right regardless of what others believed.
  • What can we learn from his example?
    • The popular sentiment is not always right! While the majority believed they could not conquer the people of Canaan, they were wrong!
    • If the majority determined what was right, then the majority would end up in heaven (Matthew 7:13-14).

Because of his steadfastness

  • After Israel finally conquered the Promised Land, Caleb wanted the inheritance that God personally promised him.
    • He actually wanted a portion of land where giants lived (Joshua 14:6-14).
    • He believed(at eighty-five-years-old) that God could use him to drive out the giants in the hill country!
    • From Caleb’s example, we learn that we must never retire from the work of God!
  • What do seasoned saints have to offer?
    • Wisdom
    • Knowledge (Titus 2:3-5)
    • A Godly Example

Conclusion: Do you have a different spirit like Caleb?