2020 has been a year that we will never forget. We have waged battles with a pandemic and division in our country. Most Americans are now required to wear masks everywhere they go. Millions of people have lost their jobs and are struggling to put food on their tables.

While 2020 has been a rough year, it has also taught us many valuable lessons. It has also provided us with many important biblical reminders.

The Mortality of Man

  • The Covid pandemic has reminded us that our bodies are not invincible. They can get sick and even die. We have also been reminded about death’s reality through numerous celebrities who have passed away this year (ex: Kobe Bryant and Sean Connery).
  • Solomon says that it is good to be reminded about the inevitable fate that awaits every person (Ecclesiastes 7:1-2).
  • Being reminded of death should urge us to be preparing for it.
  • Death is a blessing for the faithful Christian (Revelation 14:13).

The Uncertainties of Life 

  • Most of my plans for 2020 had to be canceled due to the pandemic.
  • Jesus tells a parable about a rich man who died and could not do the things he planned (Luke 12:16-21).
  • James urges us to understand that God is ultimately in control, and we will only do things that we plan if it is His will (James 4:13-17).

The Blessing of the Assembly 

  • While “virtual worship” may have been necessary for a time, there is no substitute for God’s plan for the worship assembly.
  • There are things that Christians are to do for one another that can’t be done through Zoom and YouTube (Hebrews 10:23-25).
  • The assembling of saints for worship has been part of God’s plan for 2,000 years (1 Corinthians 14:26)!
  • God knows that the more His people are isolated from one another, the more vulnerable they become to Satan’s attacks.

The Things that Matter Most

  • Periods of trials and adversity can force us to reflect and start doing important things that are often neglected.
  • Maybe the pandemic has forced you to start exercising and spending more time with your family.
  • Maybe you have been forced to start praying and reading your Bible more. Perhaps you have been thinking about the needs of others more.
  • It is good if this year’s trials have motivated us to start putting first things first (Matthew 6:33-34). We need to keep doing those things when things get back to “normal.”


Where do you stand with God heading into 2021?