September 11, 2001, is a day we will never forget. We remember what we were doing when the World Trade Center went down. We remember how we felt. We remember where we were when we heard the news. But while that day was undoubtedly horrific, many positive things occurred afterward.

People prayed more.

  • Prayer in this country rose dramatically after the attacks. People prayed more because they realized that they were not self-sufficient. They realized that they needed God and His strength to get through that tough period.
  • Are we still praying like that? Our society seems to see the value of prayer no longer. Many are now too busy to pray. Prayer has even become forbidden in certain places.
  • Even though we are 20 years removed from the horrible events of 9/11, we still need God. We still need His blessings and provision. It is through prayer that we acknowledge that (Colossians 4:2; Psalm 18:1-2; Matthew 6:9-13).

People attended church services more.

  • Church assemblies also increased right after the terrorist attacks. People were thinking more about God and His word.
  • Sadly, 20 years later, not only has church attendance dropped in this country but so has the need for God and religion as a whole.
  • This should not be because God is still worthy of our worship (Psalm 26:8, 12; 27:4; 84:1-4, 10; 122:1). These psalmists found true fulfillment in worshipping the Lord!

People were more united.

  • There was a great sense of unity that occurred in this country after 9/11. We were all Americans, united against an enemy who was trying to destroy us. We supported and encouraged our public servants. We supported all of those who this tragedy had impacted.
  • Twenty years later, it appears we are divided over everything as a nation.
  • While our society fights and devours one another, God demands that we show them a better way. He commands us to seek peace and unity (Matthew 5:9; Romans 12:18; Ephesians 4:3; John 17:20-21). Through our unity, we shine forth the light and power of the gospel!

People became more thankful.

  • After the attacks, many Americans went home and hugged their families tighter. They appreciated the blessing of their loved ones more.
  • Twenty years later, it can become easy to start taking for granted our loved ones. Israel took for granted God’s blessings after being delivered from slavery (Numbers 11:5-6).
  • Always acknowledge your blessings to God through prayer. Embrace your loved ones. Always seek to be at peace with them because life is short (James 4:14).


Sadly, many were not prepared to die on that horrible day 20 years ago. Are you prepared for death if you experienced it today (Hebrews 9:27)?